Cabin Fever Confidential: The Top 5 Ways to Cure those Quarantine Blues

Are you there, summer? It’s us, quarantined.

When I was younger, I wasted my summers. I was the kid that refused to wear shorts (where my thunder-thigh sisters at?), I burned on a cloudy day, and I would much rather spend an afternoon with my friends at Bayside High than sweating in an open field next to the school I was trying to escape for the last ten months. So I’m going to go ahead and take this summer as personal karma for my idiot childhood decisions. Be careful what you wish for.

As a young (ha!) adult in the city though, I now crave those summer months when parks get their energy back, the streets come alive, and you’re no longer in fear of stepping in stealthy dog poop covered in snow. It gives us concrete cavemen a chance to experience the world outside our cramped condos and apartments, soak up the sun, and resolve to one day own a backyard.

Enter COVID-19.

I don’t think any of us knew what to expect in the new age that is the pandemic, but I certainly didn’t expect it to go on this long, did you? With summer in our sights, it’s becoming a more and more plausible reality that this summer won’t be the summer of George, and will be more like the summer indoors. We’re all itching to feel the sun on our skin and frolic in the grass, but in the spirit of staying safe and healthy, I’ve compiled a list of some ways to keep ourselves entertained and excited about the possibility of seeing summer from behind a pane of glass.

5. Clean, Queen!

Yes, I hear it, and no, I’m not taking it back. Since we’re in a pandemic, this had to be first. I’m sure the LAST thing you want to do with the free time in your life right now is to spend it scrubbing baseboards and unpacking boxes you haven’t looked through in four years, but hear me out.

My grime-fighting heroes. Aren’t they beautiful?

While I may have inherited the Clean Queen Gene from my mother, I understand enjoying housework isn’t a thing most people do. I’m the type to wash the floors with glee and pray to Mary Poppins, but it’s not just about getting things sparkling fresh, it can really open up that can of worms that is my brain. So first on the list for finding something to do has to be getting an idea, right? Focusing your physical energy into repetitive tasks, like cleaning or cooking, can help you to focus your mental energy on creative and exciting ideas!

Take a look at this article by Erin Joan Lamberty on Quartz. Lamberty discusses the levels of creativity that we are ALL able to access, and it all starts with Doing. I think Nike said it best: Just Do It! I find that cleaning and organizing around the house not only gives me ideas for home decor and optimal storage, but the mundane repetition of purging a closet or making the bed allows my mind to wander into some creative spaces outside those tasks as well. Some of my best and most creative ideas were found when drowning out the city noises with a rowdy vacuum cleaner.

Not to mention, creativity will truly blossom in a clean and organized space. If all your chores are done around you, there’s nothing left to do but fun, frolic, and reward your super shiny, well-organized self. And since you brought it up…

4. Treat yo’ Self!

Who said you can’t bring the spa home with you? Certainly not I. If there’s a tiny one-use sample available, I’ll take that, thanks! Why buy a new moisturizer, when I can grab 16 samples to bring home and choose my favourite? In fact, if conditions were right, I could run a marginally successful side hustle if I decided to open a makeup, skincare, and haircare sample store. What’s that? You ALSO have a drawer full of tiny packets waiting for their day in the sun? This, ladies and gentlemen, is what all our sample snatching was for. The time is now!

Sign me up for the five-day retreat, please!

An at-home spa day is a great DIY on any ol’ weekend, but with quarantine driving us all to the brink of sanity on a daily basis, the time was never better. If you’re really looking to dive elbow deep into this project, here’s a list of DIY face masks from Marie Claire to really help you muck up your kitchen (see #5, you’ll need it). For the rest of us, disposable sheet masks are where it’s at. Sephora’s house brand sheet masks are a personal favourite, and even more so when their ‘Buy 3 Get 1 Free’ sale is on (which it currently is!). They retail for $8 CAD, and come in a variety of scents, including green tea, coconut, pineapple, and lychee. Fifteen minutes and you’ll feel refreshed and ready to face another three months indoors (Lord, help us all).

I personally like to give myself a manicure as well. Trind’s Perfect Cuticle and Nail Kit ($49) is my tried and true, and can make anyone feel pampered right in the comfort of their own home. Not to mention how much your nail beds will thank you.

Can’t you just hear it now?

Heck, while we’re at it, let’s really get that spa vibe and zen out with an appropriate soundtrack. For those iPhone and iPad users out there (sorry Android users, I’ll do better next time), Thunderspace is a great white noise and nature sound machine that will completely transform your mood ($3.99 on the Apple App Store). Turn on sounds like ‘Roof Garden’, ‘Oowah’, or ‘Rain Forest’, close your eyes, and imagine those same four walls you’ve been starring at just melting away. Recorded expertly by award-winning audio engineers, Thunderspace gives you those perfect zen vibes to transform your daily ‘blah’ into a relaxing ‘ahhhhhhh’.

For bonus points, dig out those old socks you thought had a bright future in dusting, slather your feet in lotion, and put those suckers to good use! Keep ’em covered until your skin drinks up all that creamy goodness, et voila! Your tootsies will thank me later. Ain’t no party like a Treat yo’ Self party!

3. Enter Bandman

One of the things my loving boyfriend has taught me is I am not musically talented in any way. Anything I thought I might have had an edge up in was faced with a cruel reality when he and his guitars walked into my life. He is a very talented man. But! That doesn’t mean I can’t practice and improve! Learning an instrument can be super frustrating at times, but once you get the hang of it you can have tons of fun covering your favourite songs, jamming with your friends, or even writing your own music!

If that cover art isn’t inspiration, nothing is.

Before the lockdown started, we picked up a ukulele on a trip to the music store. While – of course – he excelled at this new skill immediately, I also took it upon myself to learn something new. And it’s going pretty okay! I’ve been able to crank out a few Disney tunes, a little Jason Mraz (ya basic), and transfer a few guitar tabs to the new instrument from memory. It’s not much but it’s a start, and I’m having a ton of fun doing it. For any one who’s interest I’ve just peaked, you can pick up a soprano ukulele for as little as $43.99 at Long & McQuade.

Sitting out on the balcony with the uke, a glass of lemonade and a few plants is also a great way to unplug, unwind, and relax. Music is always a great reset button to press, especially while we’re all hanging by a thread. So the next time your SO drives you batty over that thing they don’t know drives you batty, don’t explode in anger, ask them to start a band!

2. Become a Potions Master

I’m sure we’ve all seen the glorious home economics revolution that has been a direct effect of COVID-19. Everyone stuck inside with nothing to do but finally ask Granny how she makes her famous Yorkshire pudding, or ask Uncle Pete to spend some time tinkering on his work bench. The rumour has it, half of us will come out of this as Suzy Homemakers, and the other half will have to immediately hit the gym thanks to the first half domesticating themselves.

A little light-cube goes a long way.

But just as your monkey brain says to you “I should bake bread!” after scrolling through social media show-offs, you enter the grocery store, Bulk Barn, or even the independent markets, and what do you find? No flour?!?!?!

The great thing about a trend is that everyone gets super excited to try something new. The bad news? Everyone being into the same thing at once (especially during a pandemic) means there will inevitably be a shortage of supplies. So dear reader, what now? How will you ever kill time without baking the days away? Well my friend… have you ever thought about drinking them?

While everyone is out discovering their inner Julia Child, those post-pandemic dinner parties are going to completely fall flat without a thoughtful and delicious drink pairing. But who will they turn to? YOU, that’s who! Because while everyone is buying baking supplies on the black market, the wonderful genius that is you has decided to take advantage of the city’s offerings, tie on an apron, and become the type of mixologist that would make Severus Snape side-smile in solidarity.

One part patience, two parts creativity. Add alcohol and light-cube, and stir to combine.

In you’re unaware, many of the bars and restaurants in the city have not only started doing take out and delivery, but a select few have made beverage kits available! For those of you missing a fun (possibly themed) night out, these cocktail kits bring you one step closer to “the way we were”. Spots like Storm Crow Manor and The Shameful Tiki Room are giving us a peak behind the curtain to see how to create some of their most popular and unique concoctions, right from your own kitchen, supplying you with everything you need and in some case, some extra pizzazz to really help give your fun bar a boost.

Maybe you’re not so flashy with the cocktails, and just want to kick back with a Canadian classic, without having to patiently wait in line (while social distancing) at multiple pit stops? A supply run can kill a whole afternoon, amirite?! You’re in luck, because Gabby’s is offering a Home Caesar Cocktail Kit (with all the fixings, might I add), at $45 for delivery or pick-up. With multiple locations across the city, you’re that much closer to putting your feet up in the yard, and recreating your own patio season.

1. Sing-a-long All Night Long

If you ever happen to find yourself at Disney World (what? How did I get here?) or the Orlando, FL. area, do yourself a favour and head over to Disney’s Boardwalk and spend a night at Jellyrolls. The Boardwalk is a hotel with a public area on Disney property that doesn’t require a park ticket for access, and the bar itself is one of the only 21+ experiences you will find on the property. Regardless of any of those shiny features, it truly is one of the best nights out you can have in Orlando. This duelling piano bar serves up hot tracks to sing-a-long with, cool drinks (ask about their refillable cups!) to wash it down, and never ceases to entertain.

Check out their specialty cocktail recipes on Facebook!

Of course, we now live in a time where ‘nights on the town’ are thing of the past. Good luck finding a bar open, let alone hosting a myriad of intoxicated patrons from all over the world belting out Def Leppard’s greatest hits.

But fear not my fellow bar flies! The fabulously talented players at Jellyrolls have been missing these nights as much as you and me, and the majority are hosting FREE and live concerts from their homes on social media! In fact, as I write this I’m rocking out with Jordan and his wife Melissa while he cranks out a bouncy rendition of Crocodile Rock (cue the laaaaaa, la la la la la!!!) and she dances in the living room behind him.

It’s just like IRL, but on social media. These guys (and gals – Hi Ingrid!) are still accepting requests via the comment section, and some are even funnelling donations to various charities, which is just stellar. You can log on, request your favourite Backstreet jam, dance like a moron in your living room, and support a good cause. No plane ticket required. What’s not to love?

So let’s get to the links, shall we?

Scotty Kilwein is performing on his Lockdown Livestreams thrice weekly on Facebook

Ingrid Rey‘s Imaginarium goes live from Facebook, Instagram, and her Patreon page.

Jordan Micheal Peterson performs Couch Concerts on Facebook and Instagram.

Jace Pawlak‘s Facebook Live Shows go live on weekends.

Rob Volpe hosts his Quarantunes sing-a-long show on Facebook and Instagram everyday. 

Follow Jellyrolls Orlando on Facebook for cocktail recipes, event schedules, and all the latest updates.

Each player has their own little niche of music , so there’s something for all music tastes and preferences. It’s just a blast. What are you still doing here? Go find a livestream and get your groove back!

*Select images sourced from Jellyrolls’ Facebook and Instagram pages.

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