Where Did It All Go?



I got lost.


All of us do from time to time. In fact, most of don’t recognize our lack of direction until we finally find one. It’s amazing how blind we can be to the development that is occurring right in front of us.

Anyone who frequented this page over the last few years will know that this is a never-ending work in progress. I have spent countless hours, days, weeks even, staring at the screen trying to make content that people care about. Something that will generate clicks. Something that can be shared. I pride myself on the work I do, but being a perfectionist hasn’t done me any favours. The countless keyboard clicks and photo-filtering has done nothing but to bring me closer to frustration over creative direction, and nowhere near I wanted this blog to be. I’m incredibly amazed and thankful that anyone has stayed patient with me through this mess.

What I present to you now is what has been long-awaited. At least on my end. For years I’ve been too afraid to truly publish anything. Some of it was really good! Of course some of it was shit, but that’s how it goes. Sitting here with over 15 years of writing experience, published works and practiced technique…… I finally have no more fucks to give, and far less time to waste.

So here it is. The site. It’s not done, but will it ever be? Probably not (said every voice in my head), so why not now.

This is my voice, my heart, my mind. I started this site in 2013 because I wanted a place to have conversations about pop culture, politics, and everything in between, and that’s why it’s so important to finally launch. I want to have that conversation instead of sitting on the wall. I want to share my opinions with you, create pieces and articles that resonate, and hopefully we can learn and evolve together.

So with that said, and with the remnants of articles and opinion-pieces past scrubbed from your screens, I’m starting again. Fresh. New. Hopeful. It may be directionless, messy, unfinished…. but it’s mine.

My name is Amy. Welcome to my blog.

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